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​Madden 20 - Unrealistic Adversity About Pro Bowl

Jun-19-2019 PST

Let's allocution about the unrealistic adversity that will be the Pro Bowl. Unrealistic disaster... Two words that fit both Madden AND the Pro Basin in absolute life. But they've had the pro basin before, afresh scrapped it as anon as M13 came out.

Now it's not a huge botheration to me, because if you apprehension out your PS2s, PS3s, XBoxs, 360s, and even the Wiis... you'll see that the pro basin in the old Maddens was shit!

In absolute life, the Pro Basin is a bold of low speed, low effort, players out of position, and as the bold apprehension down, two duke blow tackling. Oh, and don't forgot the alternates!

Tom Brady hasn't played in the pro basin aback his adolescent years, but I just apperceive that in M20, the Patriots will lose the agrarian agenda round, and Brady will be added than blessed to barrage his old ass into Hawaii and afresh retire! Fuck Alex Guerrero!

In absolute activity however, Brady will be unavailable, Super Basin or not. So the next alternating will be Big Ben... but he's afflicted due to stubbing his toe. Abuse coffee tables. So they'll accumulate traveling and alarm on Deshaun Watson.....who can't go because he has a cardboard cut. So now the alliance has to scrape the basal of the barrell and WELCOME TO ORLANDO SAM DARNOLD!

I apperceive none of this even matters, like, at all. I know. But you apperceive what doesn't bulk in the Pro Bowl? Arrest form. It's about an accepted aphorism that you can't accouterment afterwards about the 3rd quarter. Oh, and don't even anticipate about touching the QB. In fact, pro basin rules usually accompaniment that defenses are alone accustomed to play in a banal 4-3 Wide 9 defense. No blitzing.

And not abundant agenda spots are accessible for defenders, so guys like Ryan Kerrigan, DeMarcus Ware, and Khalil Mack accept to play as 4-3 OLBs. Coverage is not their able clothing and is not what got them there in the aboriginal place. But it's fine because the Pro Basin doesn't matter.

Adding all that in to bigger simulate a Pro Basin is way too harder for EA. If Sean McVay has to drillmaster the NFC aggregation and LAR Arresting Coordinator wants his 3-4 D to play BALLS TO THE FUCKING WALL afresh by all agency it's fucking happening.

Nano assault Brady and Mahomes all day boys! It was like this in the earlier Maddens and I accept no acceptance in it convalescent this year. I beggarly how harder is it to tune into the Pro Basin and apprehend the rules afore the game? Apparently actual hard, because the Pro Basin sucks.

What doesn't blot admitting is if the players try their duke at altered positions. Mike Evans at CB! Zeke Elliot as LE! Jalen Ramsey at WR! Can Madden apparatus this in the game?Absolutelyfuckingnot. You acclimated to be able to accept WRs and CBs coexist in the earlier Maddens, but now you accept to pay EA for a adventitious to put Sam Hubbard at fullback. How charming.

You apperceive how abhorrent lines, bound ends, and abounding backs play in Madden if you alarm a alive play and columnist the dart button? Able-bodied that's how anybody plays in the Pro Bowl. This could apparently be apish by blurred the fatigue sliders, but you still will not accept players appear out of position. That in actuality was a affair in the earlier Maddens. If guys got too tired, some players would appear off the bank to play OOP. It's appealing air-conditioned until you see your article arena right guard.

I'm apparently speaking out of my ass aback I haven't even played the beta. But I just apperceive injuries will not be a affair in the Pro Basin and I assumption it's fine. I bethink Tyler Eifert got aching in Orlando years ago, and it sucks but it happens. It's reality...but that's not actually Madden's thing.

TL;DR... The Pro Basin in Madden will be played the way we accept consistently capital it to be like IRL. 100% effort, cipher calls off, and no injuries. Substitutions will not actually plan out Madden NFL 20 Coins and the 3rd stringers will adequate just balmy the bench. It will be the aforementioned as in Madden from the 2000's, annihilation will improve. But all this doesn't bulk because the Pro Basin will consistently be a affable exhibition match.